Elect Frank McCoy For Supervisor
"The Real McCoy"  Trustworthy  Decisive  Visionary

Don't Forget To Vote September 13  12:00 Noon - 9:00 p.m.





            With the first budget done under my Supervision we were able to have a small tax break for our citizens going down from $2.27 per thousand to $2.24 per thousand.  I am very hopeful to have another reduction again this year. There are many factors that will dictate whether this will be possible.  Sales tax generated will be important as will fuel prices. We have reduced our work force by 4 people already and will not fill any vacancies if someone retires, but I will not recommend laying off anybody else. 



            Through the reduction in the work force and many cost cutting measures we have been able to start building up our fund balance again. Some of these cost cutting measures include: 1. Saving the taxpayers $211,000 or $70,000 per year on the Gaslight project. The project will go on and we did contribute mightily to it, but in the future it will not be a burden to Town taxpayers.  2. We saved          $7,000 on our insurance premiums and got more coverage. 3. We had an energy audit for lighting and will be saving $6,000 per year on garage and buildings lights. 4. We changed all our street lights from sodium to mercury vapor an estimated savings of $6,000 per year. 5. We stopped irrigating Usher Park(our little jewel) with Village water instead pumping from the lake for a savings of $4,000.  6. We started soliciting sponsors for little league teams generating $3,000 in income and saving the taxpayers money. 7. By outsourcing our payroll we have saved approximately $10,000.  Most of these are re-occurring expenses totaling $34,000 per year in savings to Town taxpayers.



            I have submitted 3 grant applications to the state for the Caldwell Sewer District, totaling $80,000, but with all the money going to Gaslight I have not received any money yet. The state has promised to cap the lateral in the fall that is coming from their property. We have done all the camera work on the system and identified the potential problems.  Robb Hickey will begin checking for  sump pumps shortly.



            The state auditors came to town in January and were here for 4 months. I have to say that as a new Supervisor having an expert in the building was a pleasure. They had not been here in 15 years.  I am happy to report they found no missing funds but some procedural deficiencies in the way things were being done.  By the time they left we had corrected 16 of the 17 recommendations. Since that time we have addressed them all and made the necessary changes. Some of their recommendations I had already corrected when I became Supervisor.




                      We have already paved Platte Street and  will be paving East Schroon River Road soon.

                      I am happy to report that after meeting with the DEC officials and receiving some concessions from them Americade will be staying for 5 years.  This helps to make it affordable to live here.

                      We were the first community in the Lake George Watershed to pass a ban on Phosphorous fertilizer helping to keep algae from growing in our lake. We also instituted buffers from the shoreline.

                      We hosted the first 'SAVE THE LAKE' seminar and will be having another one this fall

                      To protect our residences we passed a sex-offender law.

                      After Memorial Day the transfer station will be open 7 days a week to help our businesses and summer residences. To make this possible we will continue on our winter schedule of picking up recyclables every other week.

                      Did you know that on many topics we ask for input from the taxpayers on our website with our 'Give your opinion'. The website is http://town.lakegeorge.ny.us/content

                      Our Exit 21 Corridor Plans have generated some interest from Senator Betty Little. Earlier in the year I had a meeting with the Senator,DOT and Mayor Blais who is interested in continuing into the Village. I have met with Congressman Gibson's office twice. Our best bet seems to try to get something in the new transportation bill when Congress starts it.

                      With the help of many volunteers a new football field complete with scoreboard was build at the Rec center for our Youth Commission Football League. The view is spectacular.

                      The Town purchased new software so the budget will be more readable.

                      In the interest of more communication and transparency we have had 59 meetings in the last 17 months.

                      Most meetings have close to verbatim minutes. We hired a person to do this. They are online.

                      In an effort to enhance communication we hold the 'privilege of the floor' at the beginning of the meeting.

                      In an effort to upgrade our food pantry, we are collecting paper, newspaper and magazines at the town center with the funds going to buy a new freezer. Soon we will be collecting electronics at the transfer station at no cost to the taxpayer.




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